Bhaktapur Sightseeing

Trip Detail

  • Destination: Nepal

About Bhaktapur Sightseeing

Bhaktapur Durbar Square.

Bhaktapur, literally this city is known as the city of Devotee. According to history of Nepal this an ancient Royal Palace is established in 12th century by Malla king Ananda Malla from Malla dynasty. Bhaktapur Durbar Square is looks like a colourful picture with old temples, monuments, Old Durbar (Royal palaces) and beautiful Newari architecture. This entire city is taken as also Living Museum due to the richness in Newari Cultures, history, Temples, Monuments, Statues, typical way of living, hundreds of cultural traits, attires, multi occupations, handicrafts, traditions, agricultures, rituals, occasional different festivals and religious values. In 1979 AD it was listed in world heritage site by UNESCO, so it is known as UNESCO site.

Main Attractions of the Bhaktapur.

Siddha Pokhari/ Siddha Pond:- Siddha Pokhari or Siddha Pond lies in western part of Bhaktapur Durbar Square known as Ta-Pukhu in Local Language dates back to 350 AD (Lichhavi Period). This pond was built with the desire of drain away stress, tensons and sorrows with seeing fishes in the pond.

Bhaktapur Durbar Square: Bhaktapur Durbar square is highlighted here and made main destination for touring. In Newari language this square is known as Layaku. This square is full of monuments, temple, well depicted sculptures and others heritages those were built in many different ages. The Golden Gate, The Barking Dog Bell, replica of Pashupatinath, 55 window royal palace Luchita, , Krishna Temple, Statue of Bhupatindra malla, Shilu Mahadev Temple (Phasidega), Four Pilgrimage temple, Siddha Laxmi temple, octagonal royal pavilion, Hotis, Chhetrapaal,Annapurna temple, Bishnu temple, old Royal guest House ,Fine art stone depicted sculpture of Ughra Chandi, Ugra Bhairav, art gallery, wooden museum in Dattatreya etc. can be observed here.

Pottery Square: - It is slowly 7 to 8 minutes’ walk via Newari traditional path (Nawa Galli) southern part of Durbar Square. The Newari name is known as Bolachhen. This place is most of time is busy with muds shaping on pottery wheel, in various shapes of pots, statues, flower Vassals and kitchen utensils. This profession is one the old cash occupation in Nepal which is still living in this square. If visitors want to try or enjoy pottery, the locals kindly offer you with smiling. You may buy some potteries to support local.

Taumadi Square: - Some 5 to 6 minutes walking distance from Bolachhen to eastern part, you will reach Taumadi Square. This square is also full of, Temples, Monuments, Hiti, Bihar, Jaladwarni etc. Most attractive, popular and highest five stored temple of Bhaktapur Durbar Square area known as Nyatapola temple of goddess Siddha Laxmi (Manifestation of wealth) is standing here since 1702 AD. Temple of Bhairav, typical a Newari home, Bihar, is another attraction of this place. Mainly pagoda architectures of Nyatapola and Bhairav temple has embellished wooden carved doors, window and pillars are most eye catching ancient fine art work from here. Nyatapola has such a gigantic stone statue guardians know as Wrestlers or Rajasthan Warriors, an elephant, lions, griffins and singhini and baghini which are taken ten times stronger than each other’s.

Dattatreya Square: - This square is ending an eastern part of Bhaktapur Durbar Square. The single wooden pavilion known as Dattatreya and wooden peacock window (Monalisa of Nepal) from early 15th century, beautifully wooden carved windows, doors, Bhimsen Temple etc. are the main attractions of this area. There is a Math (Traditional Newari Buddhist Monastery) next door of Dattatreya Temple where a tourist can observe the museum too.

55 Window Royal Palace: - A 55 window royal palace is amazing art work from Bhaktapur. It was built in 17th century by Malla King Bhupatindra Malla. This complex has attractively 55 windows setting on three stored building. Present Some windows are renovated in 19th century. It has a traditional golden door to enter inside the royal palace.

Siddha Laxmi Temple: This temple is temple of Hindu goddess Siddha Laxmi which was built in 17th century. This temple is completely built by stone and established a statue of goddess within its premises. It has unique guardians Infront of the Temple because of its unique guardians nobody wants to skip taking pictures. You are able to observe baby and dog holding human sculture, rhino, lion, camel as a guardian which are used as guardians only one in this temple. It is Shikharani stone architecture with gold gilded pinnacle.

Replica Of Pashupatinath: Just Infront of octagonal royal pavilion there is a huge Temple known as replica of Pashupatinath dates back to 17th century and built by Bhupatindra Malla. It was completely demolished by the earthquake of 2015 and now it is under construction. inside there is situated and phallic symbol of Shiva known as Shival Lingam. Tourists are attracted This Pagoda design architecture temple with erotic carvings. Erotic carvings is purpose to protect temple from negative energy, provide sex education and motivation, protect from thunderbolt.

Peacock Window: This is lies in Duttatreya square. It is known as Monalisa of Nepal. This Is from single wood fine art from early 15th century which is master peace of art from Nepal. Peacock Window is placed in the second floor of Pujari Shrine. There is oral history that the solders and the officers kept a King Haksha used to live there in Pujari Shrine. This Shrine is full of various artistic work. Peacock is a wild bird which has high religious value. Hindu believe that the peacock is the vehicle of Lord Kumar Kartikeya and for Buddhist Peacock is taken as the Vehicle of Buddha Amitabha. This Peacock window is built during the reign of King Yakshya Malla.

Newari Galli: Newari Galli is a unique pedestrian path which is complete built by bricks. During your walking one destination to another destinations, you use various Newari galli. While you walk through Newari galli you can observe walking Newari people with Newari attires Haku patasi, handicraft shops, hiti, Bihar etc. The Jujudhou is King of yoghurt which can be found only in Bhaktapur. Due to the richness of culture, heritages, rituals, occasional festivals, Temples, Monuments, architectures, art, religious value, Himalayan View, worthy to visit Bhaktapur.