Langtang Ganjala Pass Trek

Duration: 16 Days     

Trip Detail

  • Destination: Nepal
  • Trip Difficulty: Technical Challenging
  • Trip Style: Trekking
  • Transport: Private Vehicle
  • Food: Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Accommodation: Lodge + Camping
  • Group Size: 2/15
  • Max Elevation: 5520m.

About Langtang Ganjala Pass Trek

Langtang is towards the north of the Kathmandu Valley and just south of the Tibetan boarder. It is sandwiched between the main Himalayan range to the north and a slightly lower range of snowy peaks to the south. To the west of Langtang is Ganesh Himal with a range of 6,000 to 7,000 meters. The northern parts of the area largely fall within the boundaries of Langtang National Parks.The main ethnic groups here are Sherpa and tamang whose religious practices, languages and dress are much similar to those of Tibet.The forest in this region have temperate and sub- alpine vegetation. Wildlife includes migratory birds, deer, monkeys, Thar, and Pika. The scenery here is spectacular and the trek is more adventurous.

The route from Kyanjin Gompa in Langtang to Tarke Gyang in Helambu crossing 5106m begins Ganja La Pass trekking. Crossing the Langtang Khola below Kyanjin Gompa, the trail makes a steep climb along the ridge on the south side of the valley through a forest of rhododendron and juniper. Ganja La trail continues south, following streams and moraines and climbing steeply towards the pass. The views to the north from the pass, of Langtang Lirung and the snow peaks in Tibet, including Shisha Pangma at 8013m, are outstanding. On the clear day you can see the views of many ranges to the south. West of the pass is 5846m Naya Kangri named as Ganja La Chuli. It is one of the trekking peaks and you can climb with a permit from the Nepal Mountaineering Association.

Outline Itinerary

  • Day 1Arrive in Kathmandu, welcome at International Airport and Transfer to hotel.
  • Day 2Sightseeing in Kathmandu Valley visit to historic places.
  • Day 3Drive to Shyabrubeshi overnight at Shyabru 1,460m. overnight at lodge.
  • Day 4Trek to Lama hotel 5-6 hrs, 2,400m.overnight at lodge.
  • Day 5Trek to Langtang 4-5 hrs, 3,420m. overnight at lodge.
  • Day 6Trek to Kyanjing Gompa 4 hrs, 3,800m.overnight at lodge.
  • Day 7Rest in Kyanjin Gompa for acclimatization. Overnight at lodge.
  • Day 8Trek to Ganjala Bese camp 4 hrs, 4,400m. overnight at camping.
  • Day 9Trek to Ganjala High camp 3-4 hrs, 5,000m. overnight at camping.
  • Day 10Trek to Yangri kharka through Ganjala Pass 6-7 hrs, 5,320m. overnight at camping.
  • Day 11Trek to Keldang kharka 5 hrs, 4,420m. overnight at camping.
  • Day 12Trek to Tarkeghyang 6-7 hrs,2,700m. overnight at camping or lodge.
  • Day 13Trek to Thimbu Village 4 hrs.overnight at camping or lodge.
  • Day 14Drive to Kathmandu overnight at hotel.
  • Day 15Free Day in Kathmandu for shopping or visiting places.
  • Day 16Transfer to International Airport and departure to home.