Tsum Valley Trekking

Duration: 20 Days     

Trip Detail

  • Destination: Nepal

About Tsum Valley Trekking

Tsum Valley Trekking trail takes us across the Tsum Valley, an undiscovered land located in the remote corner of Nepal. Tsum valley trekking is a new trekking route in Nepal. Until recently this region was barred to trekkers. However, realizing the potential for tourism in this area the Nepalese government opened this region for tourists. Tsum valley trekking region is rich in cultural heritage and we can see number of Chortens, Gumbas and Mani walls throughout this trek.

The ‘Abominable Snowman ‘ or ‘Yeti’ has been reportedly seen in this remote land The Tsum Valley is also home to a pilgrimage route because it is believed that the great Buddhist Guru Milarepa had once meditated in the mountain caves of this valley. We also get to visit the famous natural hot springs in Tatopani in this trek. It is believed that the hot water of these springs cure any kind of allergies related to our skin. So, it is also available in Tsum valley trekking.
Tsum Valley is believed to be one of Buddhism’s sacred hidden valleys, and as such, Tsum valley trekking holds important old monasteries amid remote villages. For centuries, people there have depended on subsistence agriculture, grazing herds of yak, and trading with Tibet. The trails curve past square chortens and piles of stones hand-carved with Buddhist prayers and deities. People still grow barley and tend to their yaks. Tsum valley trekking is opened for tourism only three years ago. Tsum Valley is well-preserved culturally and environmentally plus has breathtaking beauty and big mountain views.

Outline Itinerary

  • Day 1Arrive in Kathmandu pick up at international Airport and Transfer to hotel.
  • Day 2Sightseeing in Kathmandu visit to historic places.
  • Day 3Drive to Arughat 6/7 hrs over night at lodge or camping.
  • Day 4Trek to Lapu beshi 5-6 hrs overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 5Trek to khorla beshi 6-7 hrs overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 6Trek to Jakat 5-6 hrs overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 7Trek to Lokpa 5-6 hrs overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 8Trek to Chumling 6-7 hrs, overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 9Trek to chhokang paro 5-6 hrs, overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 10Trek to chule or Nile overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 11Trek to Mu gompa overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 12Trek to Rachan gompa overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 13Trek to Lokpa 5-6 hrs overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 14Trek to Jagat 5-6 hrs overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 15Trek to Machha khola 6-7 hrs overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 16Trek to Soti khola 5-6 hrs overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 17Trek to Arughat overnight at lodge or camping.
  • Day 18Drive back to Kathmandu overnight at hotel.
  • Day 19Free Day in Kathmandu for shopping or visit places.
  • Day 20Transfer to Airport departure to home.